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Process Monitoring and Control Solutions For Industrial Air Filtration and Dust Collection

Writer: PTronikPTronik

Managing the dust generated by industrial processes is a critically important issue in today’s economic and environmental landscape. The hazards created by industrial dust range from occupational health issues such as Pneumoconiosis to occupational safety issues such as spontaneous combustion. The Australian Society for Bulk Solids Handling reports that more than 70% of ‘dusts’ generated by industrial processes present a real and significant explosion risk.

Most OECD countries recognise this and have developed specific regulatory regimes to control the safe collection and disposal of industrial dust. This has led to the design and development of highly sophisticated and efficient dust collection systems

and many forms exist today.

However, despite the technological advances made in the effectiveness of dust extraction and collection installations, little has been achieved in terms of automated monitoring and control solutions for bag house maintenance. Most installations in service today rely on continuous periodic pulsing to clean the filter elements irrespective of their operational state.

The problem is that this approach is recognised to be both costly and inefficient leading to significant impacts on the effectiveness of dust collection installation as a whole.

PTronik recognise these issues and today is focused on helping to solve them with products and services designed specifically for the industrial air filtration and dust control market. PTronik design and supply a range of off the shelf process control timers and auto monitor and dust control solutions. In addition PTronik provides a specialist custom design and development service for process monitor and dust control applications.

With a distinguished track record earned over 40 years providing engineering services to industry, today Ptronik is focused on the design, manufacture and supply of high efficiency process optimisation solutions for industrial air filtration

and dust collection.


SOLAFT Filtration Solutions Australia Pty Ltd
ABN 43 138 098 932

Phone: + 1300 058 194   |    Email:
 Alt Ph: 0427 105 669
6 Chivers Road, Somersby NSW 2250

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